Upgrade KDE Plasma Workflow in Arch Linux

KDE Plasma, an acronym for “K Desktop Environment Plasma,” is a freely available and open-source desktop environment designed for Unix-like operating systems. The term “Plasma” was introduced during the fourth series of KDE releases (KDE 4) and has been consistently employed for subsequent versions. In this blog will be using Endeavour OS, to upgrade KDE plasma a desktop environment.

If you don’t have any prior knowledge about customization in Arch Linux or using the Console, kernel commands, upgrades you may read the previously published blogs :

: Prerequisites :

1 : Make sure you have Endeavour OS installed on your system. If not, refer to the official website for assistance.( https://endeavouros.com/ )

2 : Basic familiarity with the Linux command line is recommended. Understanding commands such as sudo, pacman, and navigating the file system will be beneficial.

3 : Ensure that your system has a stable internet connection. This is crucial for updating package repositories and downloading the latest software packages during the upgrade.

4 : The ability to run commands with administrative privileges (sudo) is necessary. Ensure that your user account has the required permissions.

5 : Before performing a full system upgrade, it’s advisable to back up important data. While the upgrade process is generally smooth, having a backup provides a safety net in case of unexpected issues.

6 : This guide is specifically tailored for users running the KDE Plasma desktop environment. Ensure that your Endeavour OS installation includes KDE Plasma, or install it using the package manager if you are using a different desktop environment.

7 : The full system upgrade and optimization process may take some time, depending on the speed of your internet connection and the number of packages that need updating. Allocate sufficient time to complete the steps without rushing.

8 : 20-30 GB free space should be available for sustainable installation.

9 : RAM, a minimum of 4 GB is recommended for a smoother experience.

10 : Multi-Core processor or Dual-Core processor recommended.

STEP 1 : Upgrade System Packages

Open a terminal and execute the following command to synchronize your package repositories.

Open Konsole/Console by Application Launcher
Open Console/ Konsole using application launcher.

After you have opened the konsole, enter the following command.
sudo pacman -Syu or sudo pacman -Sy

Full system upgrade
Starting the full system upgrade.

Enter “Y” wherever it asks.

Proceeding with system upgrade

Enter “Y” again

Upgrading packages
Upgrading packages

System upgrade will start and it might take time according to your internet speed.

Upgrading system packages last phase.
System Updated.

Once you have completed the update, REBOOT your system.

You will get a notification to reboot as shown in above image. Just reboot your system.

STEP 2 : Cleaning up the Cache

After the upgrade, clean up the package cache to free up disk space. Select the packages that you want to remove manually or use the console command to remove them automatically.

Just enter the following konsole command – sudo pacman -Sc

Cleaning up the system cache.
“After upgrade” tasks, cleaning up the system cache.

STEP 3 : Installing KDE Plasma System Settings

Ensure you have the KDE System Settings installed. If not, install it with
sudo pacman -S systemsettings

Default KDE system settings
Default KDE system settings.

In my case I was already having the default system settings, so it said to reinstall it. Your case might be different.

Adjusting/Upgrade Desktop Effects

Open system settings from application launcher

System Settings
System Settings.

Head to the “APPEARANCE” tab and click it.

Choosing theme

Choose the “Dark” or “Light” theme according to your preference.

Head towards the “Application Style”

Choosing application style.

Choose “Breeze” or “Fusion” theme according to your preference.

Head towards plasma style now and select “Breeze Dark”

Choosing KDE Plasma Style

Now go to the colors tab and click it.

Set color theme of KDE Plasma

You can choose any of the color theme you want or you can browse more color themes available down below.

Browse various themes of KDE Plasma insider

Click the ” Get more color themes” option and now you can browse and download according to your own taste.

Browsing more color themes in KDE Plasma

Head towards the “windows decoration” tab.

Select the "Breeze" color theme of KDE Plasma

Or you can get more windows decorations from “Get new windows decorations” given below.

Head to the fonts section

Adjusting fonts in KDE Plasma

You may select the font suitable to your environment. In my case I have selected “Roboto”

Head to icons tab and select the appropriate icon style you like.

Setting icons theme in KDE Plasma

Head to cursors now and select ” Breeze ” cursors.

Selecting cursors. KDE Plasma and Arch Linux

And with this last theming setting we have customized our KDE Plasma.

STEP 4 : Adding a Application Installer GUI

Open your console and update system packages. Use command : sudo pacman -Syyu

Upgrading the packages of AUR Arch Linux KDE Plasma
Refreshing the database for a security check.

Install “yay” package manger to install from AUR helper repositories of KDE Plasma.

Upgrade "yay" package manager
installing “yay” package manager

Now once you have installed “yay” just type the following command :

Installing "yay" Package manager for KDE Plasma Arch Linux

In my case I have already the package manager installed. But you just need to enter this command : yay -S pamac-aur

After the installation pamac-aur will start looking like this :

Add/Remove software for KDE Plasma
Upgraded GUI

By doing this we will be having the access to Add/ Remove Software GUI.

STEP 5 : Upgrade Resource-Hungry Processes

System Monitor: Use the System Monitor widget to identify resource-intensive processes.
Open your Add/Remove software that we just installed in Step 4.

Go to search option and type : “ksysguard”

upgrade resource monitor for KDE Plasma

Click on download button in blue color and install it.

ksysguard monitor for KDE Plasma

Launch the application GUI and configure your tasks resources in a systematic manner.

ksysguard system monitor
KDE Plasma


In this comprehensive exploration of enhancing your EndeavourOS KDE Plasma setup, we’ve navigated through the realms of customization, productivity improvement, and system maintenance. Equipped with a wealth of console commands, you are now empowered to reshape your desktop environment into a finely tuned tool designed specifically for your distinctive workflow.

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